Chinese Meridian Massage

Traditional Chinese Meridian Massage is an essential therapy in traditional Chinese medicine, widely recognized and practiced for thousands of years. Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the belief that meridians are closely connected to all the organs of the body. Qi (the vital force of human life) constantly flows through these meridians.

Meridian massage therapy (similar to acupuncture) can regulate the body's functions, reduce fatigue and stress, promote circulation, alleviate pain, and accelerate the healing process of the body.

Meridian massage stimulates the body's meridians, acupuncture points, or nerves, removing blockages and smoothing the flow of Qi and blood. Many health issues (pain, swelling, and toxin buildup) are caused by blockages in Qi or blood.

Experts in traditional Chinese medicine use flexible techniques to stimulate the appropriate meridians, treating blockages in the body so that Qi and blood can flow normally. This helps restore the body to its optimal state, improves self-healing abilities, and strengthens immunity.

When performed under the right conditions, the massage has no negative side effects.

The effects of traditional Chinese Meridian Massage are comprehensive. Through massage therapy, it can strengthen the body and mind, leaving you feeling relaxed, youthful, and energized.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors: Xie Qimei, Dr. ShouShan Wu.

Contact us by phone at +372 5850 6568 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Ask for our discount card, which gives a 10% discount.

Traditional Meridian Massage for the Feet:

Traditional Meridian Massage for the Feet:

Traditional Chinese Meridian Massage for the Head:

Traditional Chinese Meridian Massage for the Head

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